Monday, November 19, 2012

That's Not Metal "Studio Update" #2: NSFW

This is the manliest video ever created, based on specific requests from a certain one of my viewers. It's also NSFW, unless that is of course you work in a bear bar. Either way, I'm positive the grand majority of internet dwelling metalheads will definitely enjoy it:


  1. Awesome can't wait for the new post.

  2. Great song choice! You can never go wrong with Necrophagist. Especially since they play their instruments like human spiders.

    1. I'm pretty sure he was making a "never coming out" joke like he used Wintersun, but yeah they are a good choice.

  3. Aw, a comment I made last video was shown in this one. I feel so loved <3

  4. The Great and Shining Super-Saiyan Centaur11/21/2012 12:48 PM

    making people wait forever, not caring about your fans, claiming you want to deliver a product of excellent quality and using that to justify your absence, updates with no real relevance to the upcoming(if any) article...Brenocide! Are you Joey DeMaio?

    1. you shut your whore mouth

  5. The Great and Shining Super-Saiyan Centaur11/21/2012 12:50 PM

    Side note: an article about Therion's Fleurs du Mal would be very interesting

  6. TRVEMETALKVLTIST11/30/2012 8:22 AM

    fuck yeah im on youtube now

  7. ...and not one closet door. Thanks for nothing.


All readers that post under the name "Anonymous" and are too frail and weak to represent themselves properly with a title, shall be deemed false metal poseurs for the remainder of their pitiful existence.