Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stop reading TNM because Elitism got too hard?

You never said goodbye...


  1. I think this sums up the poser population.

  2. Where does this guy get off being so fat?

  3. You owe me new speakers. They couldn't absorb such crappiness.

  4. So there are people comparing this shit to metal? Lawl, this is disgusting ffs I like when he starts sucking at singing, right before it starts and until after it ends

  5. Ahhh, YouTube - Giving people the opportunity to disgrace themselves in pubic since 2005

  6. 1:03 I skipped to hear and I thought he finally gave in to his fat urges, and just decided to go for that microphone.

    The clean vocals were also atrocious.

  7. Hey, are all of you mad? That's me. Suck my fat dick. :D Have a nice day "metalheads".


All readers that post under the name "Anonymous" and are too frail and weak to represent themselves properly with a title, shall be deemed false metal poseurs for the remainder of their pitiful existence.