Thursday, March 17, 2011

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

I didn't really want to make that big a deal of him despite his undeniable glory, but I just can't help it. The metal community is experiencing RoCkStArBaSs100 fever. Take TNM reader Albert Brown for example, paying tribute to our newfound internet metal god...


  1. He has a deep voice for a 9 year old.

  2. i couldnt tell if he was serious or joking

  3. It took me a few times before I could do that with a straight face. I tried to look dead serious though, haha

  4. Wow this kid himself is something... Cant say how many violations occurred in that 6 minutes. I would think he is joking about how metal he is (I mean Queen and The Beatles dont get me wrong listenalble, yes but in no way metal) Why would he have Five Finger Donkey Show on his wall?

  5. Andrey47 & Rock,

    You guys didn't bother to read into this subject whatsoever did you?

  6. Fool! Transylvanian Hunger is Darkthrone.

  7. I know this, this is a parody or rockstarbass100's videos. I am well aware that Transylvanian Hunger is a Darkthrone song, Queen and The Beatles arent really metal. This video was made as a joke!

  8. Haha, the real RoCKStArBaSs100 has no freaking clue what's going on.

  9. lol at 3:10 he had to hide behind the album to laugh

  10. Haha, how old is this guy? Props on growing your hair that long, dude. I didn't do it until there was no way I could ever be mistaken for a chick (no hate). Wicked video.

  11. RoCkStArBaSs1005/09/2011 7:44 PM

    im sorry but i kinda hated it

  12. Idon'thaveanaccount5/26/2011 8:28 PM

    I lost it at Five Finger Buttpunch...


All readers that post under the name "Anonymous" and are too frail and weak to represent themselves properly with a title, shall be deemed false metal poseurs for the remainder of their pitiful existence.