Thursday, April 14, 2011

Make Me Famous Makes You Mad

Trancecore/Crabcore is officially the new fake metal. This is where our current opposition lies. It is the biggest turd to be pinched on to the divine face of true heavy metal in the history of the genre. Period.

So what about metalcore? Look, if you bought a puppy when I first started hating metalcore, it would probably be dead by now. That's old news. When's the last time All That Remains got under your skin? When you heard them on the radio? Please. You might as well still be holding a vendetta against Korn. How about deathcore? So three days ago. I said my peace, and I'm now comfortable with the fact that deathcore is a genre with an expiration date. It's boring, it sucks, and it's loved only by listeners going through some awkward teen phase. Deathcore listeners have two options: evolve into death metal listening, or turn into a mild-mannered adult, struggling to get a decent job with their regrettable throat-pieces. It's impossible to enjoy or play such a dispensable form of music for the rest of your life. Emmure won't be doing any reunion tours 15 years after they break up, chumps. Get over it.

Trancecore isn't really much different for that fact, but it's fresh enough to the scene to remain prominent for years to come before it inevitably fizzles out to make way for the next worst thing. Whether you want to or not, in order to be be a standing member in our metal super elite TRV KRV, you have to keep track of what's current in musical atrocities. Otherwise you'll waste your time hating something that was long-since defeated by the test of time.

So what band has every metal blogger's black skull panties in a twist? None other than Ukrainian trancecorists Make Me Famous:

There's spin-kicks, tight-pants, gelled-hair, running in place, auto-tuning and crab dancing aplenty to be found here. But what is Make Me Famous doing that Attack Attack! and Abandon All Ships haven't done already? Apparently enough to get Metal Sucks and Metal Injection to consider this to be a running for "worst band of the year". I wouldn't necessarily knock the likes of Asking Alexandria out of such a contest, because of what I'm seeing here, but it is pretty close to one of the worst things I ever heard. At least these guys reveal why they're a trancecore outfit with their band name. I might have a little more respect for the likes of Jamie's Elsewhere if they were called Give Us Your Money Please.


  1. Even if these guys played decent sounding music, what's with the dance moves? And how do people in Ukraine find out about our shitty genres. Globalization fail.

  2. Thanks a lot Brenocide, you dick head. Now I want to punch a kitten and kick a puppy because of this faggy shit.

  3. screamer aint bad. musically, pretty lame.

  4. I think I've heard this song before!

    ...from eight different "bands"

  5. I feel sick.. I don't know if that is from the dreadful music.. or the syncronized bouncing/camera following them disease.. Ugh.

  6. This music is great, the only reason people bag on this is because in todays world everyone is tranced into mainstream music thats played 40 times a day on the radio, those people don't appreciate this music because they would rather listen to shinedown or 3 days grace, dont get me wrong they can play well, the fact is, is this type of music takes alot more talent to play then to sing like 5FDP and attempt to sound pissed off, (ITS MAINSTREAM FOLKS) so get the fuck outta your little world of lame rock and listen to some music that makes you wanna kill :) all i gotta say

  7. Logan, do you have even the slightest clue where you are right now?

  8. Logan, you are the most poser person alive. The End.

  9. Fun Fact: The band needs to approve of your comments on the track and ofcourse, they only allow positive comments.

  10. Logan, wtf... that was just pathetic

  11. You know the little weedy kid who does the singing and guitar, well he has a youtube account. check out this video of him and go to 1:10 for mega lols

  12. Yeah logan, it does make me wanna kill. myself. coz its so fucking shit

  13. Trancecore? Crabcore? You've got to be a huge poser to even coin those retarded terms.
    It's post-hardcore with some electronica. Don't blow your load coming up with stupid new genre titles.

    You're a dumb ass.

  14. OH! i'm sorry? is everyone here Dick hard for 80-90's metal or wtf's going on with Smashing other Genres?

  15. Hey man, have you heard that new post-hardcore with some electronica band, Jamie's Elsewhere? Yeah, they're my new favorite post-hardcore with some electronica. I think they're going to make it big in the post-hardcore with some electronica scene.

    2 syllables beats 10, you walking apology from the condom factory.

    Logan: You seriously came in here believing that what you listen to is less mainstream than what we do. No matter what you think or say, you are already stupid and wrong. If you use "Five Finger Death Punch" of all fucking bands, as a comparison to your genre versus ours, then you are clearly out of your element. Go dye your hair like a skunk, buy some Kanye West shades, and make peace signs in the mirror.

  16. Logan, I hope you're joking, I'm pretty sure that 5FDP have been slated on this site before, and we're not stuck in the 80's/90's, great, Death/Black/Symphonic/Thrash/Power (probably more) metal has been released last decade and is being released this decade.

  17. The fact is, a lot of stupid subgenres are what us literati call “journalese.” BS terms made up by the press basically; e.g., crabcore, skate punk, and my favorite, alternative.

    Brenocide didn't bust a load coming up with those terms—but we sure have fun bashing them.

    Infighting will not be tolerated! Unite under the True Banner of Metal and let's eviscerate some scene twerps at Warped Tour while blasting Priest from our shoulder-mounted RPG/boomboxes!

  18. I wouldn't blame them, i bet they all those hot Ukrainian chicks all up on their nuts.

  19. Logan doesn't really seem to get it.

    For educational purposes :

    Compare with the video olliemedsy linked to.

  20. all this talking shit on other music is kinda entertaining. this whole thing is giving the bands publicity, and for the people who probably cant understand that word, it means your making the bands more famous, just want you wanted them to do. get the picture people, your mad, they make money from it. its fucking hilarious

  21. Article is fake and gay, shit metal is black sabbath, skindred


All readers that post under the name "Anonymous" and are too frail and weak to represent themselves properly with a title, shall be deemed false metal poseurs for the remainder of their pitiful existence.