Friday, April 29, 2011

The Big 4 Playing Yankee Stadium

So much for sports not being metal.
I'm not really sure why, but I didn't see that coming. Well so that's great, now I actually might have to go. Or I get to go. Either or. It's not that NYC isn't kind of a schlep from Western Massachusetts in and of itself, but it's certainly no Bunghole, California like where the "one and only" Big 4 show was played at originally. I'll check out tickets when they become available on May 6th. If the tickets cost less than $mydick , you young folks may get to enjoy The Brenocide Big 4 Experience after all. We'll see.

It just goes to show you that the fans can sometimes get what they want if they bitch and moan enough. Keep flaming Metallica's inbox and maybe they'll consider a full American tour. Maybe. Probably not.

For the full press release, check out